Bolt In Bracket (B63)

The B63 bracket is commonly used in formula and prototype applications where there are no in-line adjusters on the lap belts. This bracket incorporates a 3 bar slide into the bracket - allowing you to adjust the length at the bolt in location. Note: you cannot adjust length once a driver is in the car. Dimensions are 4mm thick, 68x72mm with a 13mm (1/2") hole. There is a slight 15° bend so that this bracket can be bolted directly to a flat surface and leave room for webbing wrapped into it. This bracket can only be wrapped in. SFI 16.1 and 16.5 approval, be sure to select the correct part below for your homologation requirements.

Part Number Homologation Price Purchase
SR B63.NC SR B63.NC SFI 16.5 $ 18.95